University of Limerick, Ireland

The University of Limerick (UL) is a comprehensive, public research university located in Limerick, on the west coast of Ireland. The university employs over 2,000 academic and professional support staff and currently has over 18,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students enrolled. Approximately 20% of the students attending the University of Limerick come from an international background. 

Dr Angela Farrell

Dr Angela Farrell is Assistant Dean International of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences a Lecturer in the TESOL/Linguistics Section at the University of Limerick, Ireland. Her teaching and research interest include: L2 classroom discourse, inclusive education and intercultural studies and she has published widely in this area. She has worked on several ERASMUS and KA2 projects including the areas of multiculturalism and language sensitive teaching. Angela is the leading academic on the TRIP Project and has contributed to the design of all the project outputs.


Dr Anita Barmettler

Dr Anita Barmettler teaches the German language, the history of German-speaking countries and current affairs, as well as German-language literature, and European cinema in the University of Limerick. Her research interests are culture, transcultural literature and cinema, language teaching through literature and intercultural communication. She has worked on several EU projects including areas in intercultural communication and virtual exchange. Anita has contributed to the design of all TRIP project outputs.


Dr Catherine Martin

Dr Catherine Martin is a Lecturer in the TESOL/Applied Linguistics division of the School of Modern Languages & Applied Linguistics at UL. She teaches core modules in SLA and language pedagogy, also lectures in EMI and has developed online CPD courses in Writing for Publication and Curriculum development for international academics. She has contributed to several Erasmus+  projects to develop approaches to linguistic- and culture-sensitive teaching, and help design the TRIP professional development programme. 


Dr Íde O'Sullivan

Dr Íde O’Sullivan is a Senior Educational Developer at the Centre for Transformative Learning at the University of Limerick, where she is Curriculum Development Support Lead, steering the development of UL’s Integrated Curriculum Development Framework. Íde teaches and researches in area of curriculum design and leads three scholarship modules on the Graduate Diploma/MA in Teaching, Learning and Scholarship in Higher Education. Íde co-directed the Regional Writing Centre at UL. Her research focuses on curriculum design, professional development of academic staff, writing transfer, writing pedagogy and assessment. Íde has contributed to the design of the professional development course of support staff.  


Dr Mark Ryan

Dr Mark Ryan is a research assistant and tutor at the University of Limerick. Mark specialises in the discourses and representations of gender- and sexual-minorities in the context of EDI and researches in the area of internationalisation of higher education both at a theoretical and policy level. Mark has contributed to the design of all the TRIP project outputs.



Dr Sarah Smail

Dr Sarah Smail is a researcher and tutor at the University of Limerick, specializing in sociolinguistics, with a focus on linguistic inequalities and ideologies in the field of semiotic landscaping. Sarah also researches in the area of internationalisation of higher education and inclusive pedagogies. Sarah has contributed to the design of all the TRIP project outputs.


Michelle Daly

Michelle Daly is a University Teacher and PhD researcher in the School of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics at the University of Limerick (UL). Against the backdrop of globalisation and internationalisation, Michelle’s research broadly explores the pressing need for individuals to develop the ability to move sensitively and intelligently from one cultural context to another. Within the TRIP project, she has contributed to the design and implementation of the Intercultural Virtual Societal Challenge (IVSC) e-module for students.


Dr Mary Masterson

Dr Mary Masterson is an Associate Professor in the School of Education at the Faculty of Education and Health Sciences. Her work focuses on initial teacher education, where she leads modules that draw on her expertise in intercultural communication, inclusion, diversity, educational policy, contemporary issues in education, and curriculum development and reform. Mary has contributed to several Erasmus+ KA2 projects in the areas of multilingualism, multiculturalism and inclusive pedagogies, and has brough her expertise to the design of the TRIP professional development programme for academics and support staff.